Zeke On Camera The Time I Got Obsessively Compulsive The Time I Hated Homeless People The Time I Called Out a Dumb Planet The Time I Hit Peak Hipster The Time I Secretly Animated My Drunk Wife The Time I Made a Documentary About Wanking The Time I Got Attacked By a Giant Rat The Time I Pissed on a Keyboard Literally The Time I Literally The Time I Became a Billionaire The Time Ricky Gervais Played the Joker The Time I Explained What Trumpets Are The Time I Fat-Shamed Myself The Time Johnny Depp Hung Out Online The Time I Had An Opinion The Time I Went to the Gym The Time I Made The Worst Metal Album Ever Released The Time I Almost Crashed a Plane The Time We Didn’t Know What The Moon Is The Time I Blurred Genders The Time I Escaped a Mental Asylum The Time I Was On TV The Time I Ridiculed Technology The Time I Reviewed Kim Kardashian The Time I Trashed Kurt Cobain The Time I Hosted a Comedy Night The Time We Played Winecraft The Time I Scientifically Proved We’re All Racist The Time We Watched the Worst (?) Movie Ever Made The Time I Dropkicked Everyone’s Favourite Pixar Movie The Time I Did the Laundry The Time We got Angry in Amsterdam The Time We Sang A (Probably Racist) Song